Constanta Art Museum

Nicolae Grigorescu, Flori de nalbă, ulei pe carton, 300 x 170

„Head of a Child”

Nicolae TONITZA (1886–1940)

The portraits of children made by Tonitza, heads of expression most of the time, but also busts or torsos, sometimes even the whole figure, obtained by widening the angle of view, were made especially after the artist himself became father. In approaching the theme of the child, the artist began by representing his three children, which he drew from birth to adolescence. The painting depicts the artist’s son, Petru, with a focused expression and large, penetrating eyes. The eyes of the children painted by the artist look with a nostalgic innocence, with melancholy and candor. The large, round and expressive eyes, nicknamed “Tonitza’s eyes”, are the unmistakable seal of the artist’s style, unique in Romanian fine arts. The portrait is focused on the eyes, by enlarging the pupil and on the mouth, which is strongly accentuated, the nose being only finely suggested. The painting attracts with its harmony and candor, with refined nuances and touching details.

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admire the original works

The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. – during the season
and from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. – off season.

It is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


We are waiting for you at our main venue
Tomis Boulevard no. 82-84


Constanta Art Museum
information: +40 (341) 454 499
administration: +40 (241) 617 012

“Ion Jalea” Sculpture Museum
+40 (241) 618 602

“Dinu and Sevasta Vintilă” Topalu Museum
+40 (241) 256 010


+40 (241) 617 012


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