Constanta Art Museum

Nicolae Grigorescu, Flori de nalbă, ulei pe carton, 300 x 170

„In the Garden”

Nicolae GRIGORESCU (1838–1907)

The painting was made in Brittany, in the period after the interruption of the artist’s studies in France. It depicts Carlotta Leria, a great opera singer and Grigorescu’s lover, with whom the artist, in 1881, came for the first time to Constanţa and painted on the shores of the Black Sea. The painter’s attention tenderly envelops the female figure profiled on the compact green foliage, which produces a kind of absorption of the woman in the vegetation. The painting is chromatically animated, at the upper limit, by the color of the flowers and a ray of light, and at the lower one by the mass shadow of the tree trunks, painted in dark and consistent tones. The artist uses stains of color and discontinuous brushstrokes, an impressionistic technique. The floor and even the lady in the picture are made of differently lit surfaces, in a paste distributed like the pebbles of a mosaic.

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The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. – during the season
and from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. – off season.

It is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


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Tomis Boulevard no. 82-84


Constanta Art Museum
information: +40 (341) 454 499
administration: +40 (241) 617 012

“Ion Jalea” Sculpture Museum
+40 (241) 618 602

“Dinu and Sevasta Vintilă” Topalu Museum
+40 (241) 256 010


+40 (241) 617 012


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