Constanta Art Museum

Nicolae Grigorescu, Flori de nalbă, ulei pe carton, 300 x 170

„Abandoned Boats”

Jean Alexandru STERIADI (1880–1956)

The painting was made in 1942 and features a group of old boats, the so-called mahogany – hardwood (mahogany) boats, spacious and resistant to waves, used since the tenth century in maritime and river transport, especially with regard to the transfer of goods to the port areas of Dobrogea. The compositional line is represented by the sea and the sky, in a symbiosis of shades and horizontal lines that give a static character to the painting. The foreground is occupied by mahogany of various sizes, the first two being harmonized by the border stripes used by the painter, by the complementary shades and warm-cold tones. The vertical and transverse lines of the masts cancel out the impression of dynamism created by the brushstrokes of the waves, in a scene immortalized as if beyond time. An added value of the landscape is given by the harmony of colors and light, and the sea, sand and boats form a unitary whole characteristic of the local atmosphere of wild beaches with accents that combine exoticism and the traditional. The chromatic symbiosis of contrasts, light-shadow oscillations and the play of horizontal and transverse lines give personality to the painting.

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The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. – during the season
and from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. – off season.

It is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


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Tomis Boulevard no. 82-84


Constanta Art Museum
information: +40 (341) 454 499
administration: +40 (241) 617 012

“Ion Jalea” Sculpture Museum
+40 (241) 618 602

“Dinu and Sevasta Vintilă” Topalu Museum
+40 (241) 256 010


+40 (241) 617 012


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