The “Ion Jalea” Museum

Nicolae Grigorescu, Flori de nalbă, ulei pe carton, 300 x 170

„Victory (Body in Movement)”

Bronze, 83 x 27 x 37 cm

Ion JALEA (1887–1983)

The sculpture follows the aesthetics of the all’antica manner and is part of a series of works inspired by ancient Greek and Roman art. Victory is the name that the Romans gave to the Greek goddess Nike, who is said to have supported Zeus in the war with the Titans, thanks to which he was able to defeat Kronos. For this reason she became a legend of courage and the ability to defeat the enemy, a symbol of the victory of the strongest in terms of both gods and men. In Ion Jalea’s creation, Victory appears as a leitmotif, probably originating from his experience with the reality of war. The subject preoccupied the artist for a long time, he created several sculptures based on the ancient victories, those women who symbolized victory, winged or not, covered with a light and transparent garment, in the wet drapery technique. The connection with ancient statuary and a sthenic vision of the human body gave the sculptor the opportunity to create sculptures in which he capitalized on feminine beauty inspired by the ancient world. Carefully modeled, Victory’s body borrows from the grace and harmony of ancient Greek representations, the sculptor himself emphasizing this attachment to Greek art and through the title of other works of art from this series. The way that the light falls on the body of the female figure, represented without head and arms, like the way the statue was preserved in the temple of Nike Apteros, located on the Acropolis in Athens, reveals more than it covers, the glorious body thus vibrating the surface and emphasizing it’s dynamic.

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The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. – during the season
and from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. – off season.

It is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


We are waiting for you at our main venue
Tomis Boulevard no. 82-84


Constanta Art Museum
information: +40 (341) 454 499
administration: +40 (241) 617 012

“Ion Jalea” Sculpture Museum
+40 (241) 618 602

“Dinu and Sevasta Vintilă” Topalu Museum
+40 (241) 256 010


+40 (241) 617 012


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